Tutorial – How to setup a forward proxy with HAProxy that routes TOR through a VPN…in docker

by | Mar 6, 2025 | Network Tools, Tutorial


At JUMPSEC we foster a research culture and want to provide people with tools and safe environments necessary to conduct research. As part of my ongoing work in setting up a new research lab I also wanted to investigate TOR environments. By design TOR is a privacy first process and the The Onion Router provides a very good solution out of the box. I won’t elaborate on the foundations of TOR in this article, instead I want to use it as an example about various options and pitfalls with routing in docker environments. Let’s look at TOR from a business implementation requirement:

  • If devices are domain joined, adding another Intune package requires more maintenance.
  • TOR usage in our company should be monitored, for various reasons I am not going to elaborate.
  • Hide TOR activity from your ISP (without using obfuscated bridges).

I wanted to create a central TOR service that can be used by any application via an HTTP forward proxy. This can be used by custom scripts or any web browsers. Unfortunately, the latter comes with some caveats, such as human error and security related issues. Though, the interesting issue is technical and it’s about docker networking. Despite ever ongoing conversations around TOR & VPNs, we will route TOR through a paid VPN tunnel (https://www.reddit.com/r/TOR/wiki/index/#wikishouldiuseavpnwithtor.3Ftorovervpn.2Corvpnovertor.3F).

Let’s start building our proxy system based on a docker-compose file that will accept traffic at an HAProxy container and route everything to a TOR container, which itself goes out to the internet via a VPN container.


There are three services:

  • vpn – a container to connect to a remote server and use that as an exit node
  • tor – the actual TOR connection
  • haproxy – our forward proxy for the users

The images we are using are:

  • https://hub.docker.com/r/thrnz/docker-wireguard-pia
  • https://hub.docker.com/r/dperson/torproxy
  • https://hub.docker.com/_/haproxy

For our VPN connection we are using https://www.privateinternetaccess.com/.

Commonly, when configuring a gateway container in docker compose people tend to use network_mode for other containers to share the same network interface and make routing plug and play.

It is possible to do this with our PIA VPN container, however, we are running into a challenge here. If we configured our TOR container to use network_mode: service:vpn the TOR container itself would lose its IP address and can no longer be “seen” by our HAProxy container. Obviously this is a problem, as we cannot configure our backend server in HAProxy without a host.

Let’s start with the simplest container setup, which is our forward proxy.


Lets start by looking at the actual config file for the service. Below are the contents of the haproxy.cfgfile:


    log stdout format raw local0

    maxconn 4096


    mode http

    log global

    option httplog

    timeout connect 5000

    timeout client  50000

    timeout server  50000

frontend forward_proxy

    bind *:3128

    mode http

    default_backend forward_tor 

backend forward_tor

    mode http

    server tor tor:8118

The setup is simple, we create a forward proxy on port 3128 that routes incoming HTTP traffic to the backend forward_tor, which points at the tor container on port 8118. We can easily mount the configuration via volumes and just set ports to ensure that the correct interface is mapped from the outside world.


    image: haproxy:3.1-alpine


      - "./haproxy/haproxy.cfg:/usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:ro"


      - "<SPECIFIC_IP>:3128:3128"


      - tor

    restart: unless-stopped

Before jumping into the networking configuration, let’s look at the basic setup of the other containers.


The TOR container image we are using utilises Privoxy which automatically forwards traffic to the socks5 TOR proxy. The privacy first HTTP & HTTPS proxy is exposed on port 8118.


    image: dperson/torproxy

    restart: unless-stopped


      - EXITNODE=0


      - NET_ADMIN


      - 8118


      - vpn

Even though by default the dperson/torproxy is not configured as an exit node, it does no harm to explicitly set the environment variable for it. Of course, we only need to start the tor container if the vpn has started.

What is different to what you see in the examples of the official docker hub page, is that we added the NET_ADMIN capability. This is necessary to make some changes to the networking inside the container. Without it, even as root we cannot change routing behaviour.


As for the VPN container we can work based on the docker-compose example that is mentioned on docker hub.


    image: thrnz/docker-wireguard-pia


      - pia-vpn:/pia

      - pia-vpn-shared:/pia-shared

      - ./vpn/post-up.sh:/pia/scripts/post-up.sh


      - NET_ADMIN


      - /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun


      - .env


      - LOC=swiss






      - net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1

      - net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1

      - net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1

      - net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6=1   


      test: ["CMD", "ping", "-c", "1", ""]

      interval: 240s

      timeout: 5s

      retries: 3

      start_period: 5s

However, you might have spotted, that we are adding a post-up.sh in the volume mounting. This is necessary to add a few more iptables rules to the container.  Let’s start talking about the actual networking challenges here.


Given that we do not want to use network_mode in our containers but need to have IP addresses associated with our containers, we are left with using a custom network that we can attach to each container.

We could just define a network such as



    driver: bridge

However, that would lead us to two things:

  • The next available network is used, i.e. or
  • The default gateway is configured at 172.XX.0.1 automatically
  • Our containers get a random IP address associated by the docker DHCP

This is slightly challenging as we will see in a bit. What we want to achieve is that all network traffic from our vpn-net must go through the vpn container.

However, by default the containers will have the 172.XX.0.1 gateway configured, whereas the vpn container most likely will have the IP address 172.XX.0.2.

First of all, we should know which IP range is used. For that we can look into the ipam configuration of the networks. This is a bit hacky and not in the typical sense of how you should use docker, but it is a necessary evil in this case.



    driver: bridge



        - subnet:

By setting the ipam we can now set the actual address space of the vpn-net subnet. To verify that this was applied correctly we can the following command on the host system:

# first of all get the networks on our system
docker network ls

# similiar output
NETWORK ID     NAME                    DRIVER    SCOPE

d2b447ed5154   bridge                  bridge    local
d0af048c2f55   host                    host      local
fe7503bf5f54   none                    null      local
c8bdd0108a0a   XXXX                    bridge    local
2d1d57de3b79   XXXX_vpn-net            bridge    local

and inspect the actual network we are working on:

 docker network inspect 2d1d57de3b79


  "IPAM": {

            "Driver": "default",

            "Options": null,

            "Config": [


                    "Subnet": ""





Next, we can specify the actual IP addresses at the vpn container by adding the following:




This tells the vpn container it has the fixed IP address of, which is required, so we can configure our tor containers routes to set it as a gateway. To do that we overwrite the startup command in the tor container with:

    command: >

      sh -c "

        echo 'Removing default route via';

        ip route del default via dev eth0;

        echo 'Adding default route via';

        ip route add default via dev eth0;

        echo 'Starting torproxy...';

        exec /usr/bin/torproxy.sh


When we run docker compose up you should see the echo statements in the log. Mind you, the ip route del|add commands will only work with the NET_ADMIN capability!

The commands above basically remove the default docker gateway, which we established is on and sets our vpn gateway, which we know is on

Unfortunately, this is not enough to get everything working. Most likely you would time out with requests, as the tor container cannot establish a connection at this stage. So let’s dive into the post-up.sh file for the vpn container. In here we need to set a few more iptables rules.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
sleep 5
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s "" -j MASQUERADE
iptables -I FORWARD 1 -s -o wg0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD 1 -d -i wg0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i wg0 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD 1 -o wg0 -j ACCEPT
echo "Done with iptables changes"

BONUS TIP: if you are on Windows and use git to manage all of this run: git update-index --chmod=+x vpn/post-up.sh to ensure that the script is executable. Otherwise, it won’t work!

During my testing, I had a race condition with the execution of the post-up.sh file. The idea of the author was to enable users to adjust iptables rules after the WireGuard connection has been set up. However, the script was often executed before that was done. Due to the kill switch in the container, the iptables rules applied with my script were reverted. Hence, I added a sleep 5 at the top of the script. It’s a quick and dirty solution…but it gets the job done! Lets go over each of these rules:

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s "" -j MASQUERADE

With this we add to the NAT table of iptables, that all traffic from is traversed after the kernel determines where the packet will go out (after routing). MASQUERADE means, that the network IP addresses will look like the vpn container IP address (

iptables -I FORWARD 1 -s -o wg0 -j ACCEPT
iptables -I FORWARD 1 -d -i wg0 -j ACCEPT

Effectively these two rules ensure that traffic from can go out over the WireGuard connection, and once there is traffic coming back it can be forwarded back to the network.

You might think that this is enough, however, there are some issues around the FORWARD rules. As by default they are DROPPED. Let’s add two more rules, the first one:

iptables -I FORWARD 1 -i wg0 -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT

This rule allows incoming packets on the wg0 interface that are part of or related to an already established connection. This is essential for ensuring that reply traffic for outbound connections is permitted.

In addition, we need our last rule:

iptables -I FORWARD 1 -o wg0 -j ACCEPT

This rule allows all packets that are leaving through the wg0 interface. It doesn’t perform any state checking, so it applies to both new outbound connections and any other traffic leaving via wg0.

Together, these rules help maintain proper stateful firewall behaviour for a WireGuard interface, ensuring that traffic can flow correctly for both new outbound connections and their corresponding inbound replies.

Before giving you some troubleshooting guides and considerations, let’s put the final docker-compose.yml file together:



    image: thrnz/docker-wireguard-pia


      - pia-vpn:/pia

      - pia-vpn-shared:/pia-shared

      - ./vpn/post-up.sh:/pia/scripts/post-up.sh


      - NET_ADMIN


      - /dev/net/tun:/dev/net/tun


      - .env


      - LOC=swiss






      - net.ipv4.conf.all.src_valid_mark=1

      - net.ipv6.conf.default.disable_ipv6=1

      - net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=1

      - net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6=1    


      test: ["CMD", "ping", "-c", "1", ""]

      interval: 240s

      timeout: 5s

      retries: 3

      start_period: 5s





    image: dperson/torproxy

    restart: unless-stopped


      - EXITNODE=0


      - NET_ADMIN


      - 8118


      - vpn




    command: >

      sh -c "

        echo 'Removing default route via';

        ip route del default via dev eth0;

        echo 'Adding default route via';

        ip route add default via dev eth0;

        echo 'Starting torproxy...';

        exec /usr/bin/torproxy.sh



    image: haproxy:3.1-alpine


      - "./haproxy/haproxy.cfg:/usr/local/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg:ro"


      - "<HOST_IP>:3128:3128"


      - tor

    restart: unless-stopped









    driver: bridge



        - subnet:

Troubleshooting and Debugging

Ensure the TOR container is routing traffic through the VPN container:

docker exec -it tor-container ip route

# Expect to see the vpn ip address we specified in the docker compose file
default via dev eth0 dev eth0 scope link  src

Verify that the VPN container has access to the internet via the default docker gateway:

docker exec -it vpn-container ip route

# Expect to see the vpn ip address we specified in the docker compose file
default via dev eth0 dev eth0 scope link  src

Check that the IP address of the vpn container is actually coming from the PIA remote server:

docker exec -it vpn-container curl ifconfig.me/ip

# Should be different to your host ip (simply check with the same curl command but not from a docker container)

Ensure that your FORWARD rules are loaded correctly:

docker exec -it vpn-container iptables -L FORWARD -n -v

# Similar to below:

Chain FORWARD (policy DROP)

 pkts bytes target     prot opt in   out   source         destination

   42  3333 ACCEPT     all  --  *    wg0

   12   900 ACCEPT     all  --  wg0  *

Go into the vpn container and install tcpdump to observe traffic:

docker exec -it vpn-container bash
$ apk add tcpdump


# observe wireguard interface
tcpdump -ni wg0

# check for traffic from a specific host
tcpdump -ni eth0 host 172.21.0.XX

While running tcpdump on the vpn container, run simple curl commands from the tor container. If you see ip: RTNETLINK answers: Operation not permitted you forgot to set the NET_ADMIN capabilities. You would see that with any ip route add|del commands.

If you are using different TOR images, you must check if there is a transparent proxy running:

It might be the case, that all network traffic is forced to go out via TOR and not actually forwarded to your default gateway. How is this relevant? If you run the curl ifconfig.me/ip commands, they might get out via TOR, instead of the default gateway. In our case, we would see the normal gateway route and therefore get the same IP address as the vpn container would show with the same command.

Inspect your TOR container scripts:

In the Dockerfile GithubLink we can see that there are plenty of privoxy rules around forwarding docker networks:

sed -i '/^forward 172\.16\.\*\.\*\//a forward 172.17.*.*/ .' $file && \
sed -i '/^forward 172\.17\.\*\.\*\//a forward 172.18.*.*/ .' $file && \
sed -i '/^forward 172\.18\.\*\.\*\//a forward 172.19.*.*/ .' $file && \
sed -i '/^forward 172\.19\.\*\.\*\//a forward 172.20.*.*/ .' $file && \
sed -i '/^forward 172\.20\.\*\.\*\//a forward 172.21.*.*/ .' $file && \
sed -i '/^forward 172\.29\.\*\.\*\//a forward 172.30.*.*/ .' $file && \
sed -i '/^forward 172\.30\.\*\.\*\//a forward 172.31.*.*/ .' $file && \

Final Thoughts and Notes

This project is certainly not meant to “just use as-is”. Whether this approach is safe for privacy concerned users is another topic. The TOR project itself gives good guidelines around bridges and safety. TAILS and the normal TOR browser will protect users in a much better way than using a “normal” web browser. This article is not about protection.

Instead, I hope you learned about networking in docker and how to troubleshoot within docker containers. Even though some of the things we did are not in direct line with the docker philosophy (setting IP addresses on containers, IPAM settings), we can see that more complex tasks like these are straightforward to implement.


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The information provided on this website is to be used for educational purposes only. The author is in no way responsible for any misuse of the information provided. Any actions and or activities related to the material contained within this website is solely your responsibility.

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