The JUMPSEC Lab is a place where the the technical team get creative and showcase their latest security research, publications, interesting news and general thoughts!  We love what we do and are passionate about security, with some great upcoming projects planned, bookmark our site and stick around to see what we are working on.

Adventures and Accidental Honeypots in Network Infrastructure: Unravelling Internet Shenanigans

Hello World! So, I've been tinkering with network stuff lately, trying to set up some infrastructure.Turns out that in the process, I made a rookie mistake and left a few ports open to the internet! A few months down the line I took a look and to no one’s surprise my server had been bombarded with all sorts of requests. It was receiving a steady stream of traffic, but not the good kind…think of it more as a steady dose of “internet radiation”. Without realising it I had accidentally turned my...

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Research and Development

Hello w0rld. On this post we would like to let you know our areas of research and the research projects that we are working on currently. For 2016 we are planning to develop tools that will be used in our tests. Our areas of interest can be highlighted as: AntiVirus Detection and Evasion techniques (sandbox detection, etc) Packers, anti-debugging, anti-disassembly and binary obfuscation Network packet capture analysis scripts looking for IoC FUD Malware (maybe Veil Improvisation) The initial...

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