The JUMPSEC Lab is a place where the technical team get creative and showcase their latest security research, publications, interesting news and general thoughts!  We love what we do and are passionate about security, with some great upcoming projects planned, bookmark our site and stick around to see what we are working on.

Weaponize Your Word – Malicious Template Injection

Weaponize Your Word - Malicious Template Injection Historically, files sent via email have been a common initial access technique employed by threat actors. Personally, I have seen emails containing malware prove effective, and in the case of an IR (Incident Response) involving a malware infection, it would be one of the first places I would look to identify the source of compromise. There are many techniques for bypassing an email solution to deploy malware on an endpoint, however an old technique that is worth taking note of is that of malicious template injection. This technique allows for a document that is almost entirely non-malicious to be received by a user before an actual malicious loader is pulled via the Microsoft Word remote template functionality. This technique was observed being used by the LockBit Ransomware Gang (1) early in the year. Malicious templates and...

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Pwning Windows Event Logging with YARA rules

The Event Log coupled with Windows Event Forwarding and Sysmon can be extremely powerful in the hands of defenders, allowing them to detect attackers every step of the way. Obviously this is an issue for the attackers. Before privilege escalation it is limited what we can do to evade event logging, but once privileges have been elevated it is an equal playing field. In the past I have released a...

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Defending Your Malware

Malware is an important part of an engagement, though as many security solutions are now evolving past rudimentary signature comparisons to using more advanced techniques to detect malicious activity, it is important that we as attackers understand the methods they are using and how we can avoid them. Consider the following code I wrote for example. #include <stdio.h> #include...

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Thunder Eye – Threat Intelligence Aggregator

The project currently code-named Thunder Eye is a threat intelligence aggregator that will act as an internal and external search engine for a variety of intelligence purposes. It will collect and store data varying from vulnerability scans, DNS data, breach lists, torrent sites, honeypot networks, and some manually inserted data sourced from our threat hunting and incident response/SOC...

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API Hooking Framework

An API hooking framework, composed by a Windows driver component for library injection, a DLL file for function hooking and reporting, and a web service presenting a user interface and managing the communications between the user and the other components.The framework is aimed towards desktop application testing and vulnerability research: allows a granular monitoring of one or more processes at...

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Post exploitation is large part of a red team engagement. While many organisations begin to mature and start to deploy a range of sophisticated Endpoint Detection & Response solutions (EDR) onto their networks, it requires us, as attackers to also mature. We need to upgrade our arsenal to give us the capabilities to successfully operate on their networks. That is why today, I am releasing shad0w.

shad0w is a post exploitation framework which is designed to operate covertly on such networks, providing the operator with much greater control over their engagements. Over future blog posts I will go into greater detail on the intricacies of how shad0w works. This blog post will, therefore, serve as an introduction into the usage and features that shad0w has to offer.

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GitHub Activity




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