The JUMPSEC Lab is a place where the technical team get creative and showcase their latest security research, publications, interesting news and general thoughts!  We love what we do and are passionate about security, with some great upcoming projects planned, bookmark our site and stick around to see what we are working on.

Active Cyber Defence – Taking back control

Every good cybersecurity article needs a Sun Tzu quote, here is one lesser known quote from Sun Tzu to start us off.   What Happened? Recently, JUMPSEC’s Detection and Response Team (DART) caught a Red Team  inside one of our MxDR clients' networks using a honeypot server. The honeypot server was set up using Thinkst Applied Research’s project called OpenCanary. This open-source project from Thinkst emulates different network protocols and when interacted with, creates an alert providing information to the defensive team, such as the source of the request.   An unfair advantage We believe all organisations should be able to incrementally build on their level of security, year-on-year. This means leaving generic behind and focusing on the specific threats you face, and outcomes you need to be secure from them. To do this, we draw on the expertise and attacker mindset of our...

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LAYER 8 – Patching the un-patchable….

Computer systems and software have been continually evolving year upon year.  Faster processing and data transfer coupled with more accessible storage have made crunching vast amounts of data possible in mere nanoseconds. Computer security and controls have improved as well, we now have intelligent firewalls, web proxies, file integrity monitoring, DLP, IAM and all sorts of amazing new...

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Playing with MS14-060 and MS14-058 [CVE-2014-4113 CVE-2014-4114] : Attacks and Defenses

Recently two 0-day exploits were revealed. The first one was given the name Sandworm, however, the name convention was mistakenly including the "worm" term as we will see. The second one CVE-2014-4113 is a privilege escalation local exploit for Windows. Sandworm as said includes the word  "worm" most likely for making the situation more dramatic. A worm is a self-propagating piece of code that...

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GPU Password Cracking Hype

Ditch the CPU for password cracking even if you have an overclocked Extreme Intel Core i7, they just aren't made for password cracking since they only contain a small number of cores. Instead set your sights on a high powered graphics cards with with the primary aim of finding cards with a high number of cores, for instance the GeForce GTX TITAN Z features a whopping 5760 cores. Imagine the...

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GitHub Activity




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