Recently, I presented a talk on the main stage at BSides London 2024 and the topic I chose to present on was in regards to bringing trusted binaries to a system and using them in an adversarial fashion. This post will cover what I presented and how to use these binaries in detail. If you would also like a copy of the slides they can be found here. My talk was mainly focused on binaries that allow for the passing of the following 5 scenarios: Proxy my Kali tools, and tunnel traffic into an...
The JUMPSEC Lab is a place where the technical team get creative and showcase their latest security research, publications, interesting news and general thoughts! We love what we do and are passionate about security, with some great upcoming projects planned, bookmark our site and stick around to see what we are working on.
SSH Tunnelling to Punch Through Corporate Firewalls – Updated take on one of the oldest LOLBINs
In my formative days of learning network hacking, SSH tunnelling was amongst the first tunnelling techniques that I learnt. I still remember trying to repeatedly decode my notes and diagrams on the rather cumbersome syntax of single port forwarding with the -L and -R flags, which at the time was taught as “the way to do it”. If your foothold is (luckily) a Linux server, then you’re blessed with the -D flag to spin up a SOCKS proxy on the foothold itself to access the network via proxychains....
Putting the C2 in C2loudflare
tl;dr How to bring up an entire C2 infrastructure with all your tooling and their corresponding redirectors within 5 minutes with the help of Azure Snapshots, Cloudflare and Tmux Resurrect. Every so often I seem to stumble across various ideas, that when combined, massively improve my overall productivity at work. Most of these ideas on their own are nothing new, but when used in tandem can really accelerate your productivity, which is what I wanted to illustrate in today's post. A great...
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